Joe's Quest

37.2℃, the temperature of love

37.2℃, the temperature of love

37.2℃, the temperature of love. The campaign was launched from early April. Michael of,AKA MZ, is the key man of it.

The first event is E100 review, which has been successfully finished. User review is a good tradition of iriver since 2003. It’s based on good-quality product. By stimulate the loyal fans’ interests of new design, function and so on, it’s the best way to make the product well known. It’s the viral marketing. Not all members of the website have the change to review the product. Thinking of a slogan for 37.2℃ campaign is the entrance of it. Where there is a competition, there are more people would like to join.
Grape is one of the fans, who wrote a long review of E100, also took nice photos.
E100, taken by Grape

Besides him, there are 4 more

The ongoing event is T-Shirt design competition. Not only the members of, will join in, but also readers of 1626 magazine, members of the most famous online community in China – Tianya, and many students in campus too.

T-Shirt Design event

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